Sanker Ganesh

Known as Kokoro man (a Japanese word connecting the notion of heart, mind & spirit), Sanker Ganesh began his career as an aspiring engineer. Despite the demanding nature of his work, Sanker felt a deep-seated desire to express himself creatively, and began creating multimedia collage art pieces using a combination of found objects, his own photographs, and digital tools, to create intricate and thought- provoking works. He also explored different medium and techniques like screen prints, image transfers etc.


Born in 1980, Kuala Lumpur, and graduated from Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan with a Bachelor Degree in Electrical & Electronic, Sanker continues to work as an engineer, applying his analytical skills and problem-solving abilities to create innovative solutions for his company’s clients. He sees his work in engineering and the arts as complementary. Under the guidance of leading Malaysiaโ€™s figurative artist and award-winning print maker Stephen Menon, Sanker has won multiple awards and participated in prestigious exhibitions such as London Art Biennale and Penang State Open.